What are some of the best optimized games on PC at the moment?

Let's go completely out of left field and interpret "game" liberally: Golly. A Conway's Game of Life engine.

No, wait, don't sneer and downvote me for being ridiculous. It's a wonderful example of an optimized cellular automata algorithm that allows for extremely complex worlds to be simulated almost arbitrarily fast.

Grab it and load up Hashlife → metapixel-parity64, hit the ► button and watch your computer simulate a 100-150 million cell CA that itself simulates another cellular automata - hit + a few times and you'll see it run progressively faster. Fun starts at about 200,000 iterations/second.

Once you've done that go load up Space Engine and fly around a seamless procedurally generated realistically-scaled universe that can go from recreating the Hubble Deep Field and famous NASA space probe photos to exploring mountain ranges on alien planets. It makes No Man's Sky and Elite: Dangerous look faintly silly with their longwinded loading transitions between solar systems and quaint small scale.

/r/pcgaming Thread