What are some cheap meals you can make when you’re broke?

Yo recently I made ramen from scratch, no recipe, just vibes, and by vibes I mean trying to remember what tonkotsu vegan ramen I had recently tasted like over and over in my head until I made it and it turned out great.


2-3 cups of oat milk/soy milk

2 small star anise

1-2 slices of ginger

2 cloves of garlic (smashed)

2 tbsp soy sauce

2 tbsp miso paste

1/2 tbsp vinegar

-Boil everything together.

-Boil any type of noodle with frozen dumplings until done

-Steam/blanch plants(spinach/bokchoy/mushroom/carrot shavings) for 2 min.

-Garnish with chilli oil/sesame seeds

(This might not even matter to anyone but I'm super proud of it)

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