What are some conspiracies that conspiracy theorists don't want you to know about?

Most things that fall under the umbrella term 'theoretical science' are long propaganda operation. The enlightenment is a psy-op. The big bang, evolution (as in the origin of life), cosmology - are pure fiction. Einstein's relativity is full of incoherent concepts, purely to make the equations balance out. It has no experimental evidence to back it up, concepts like 'spacetime' are pure fabrications. Quatum physics appears to be legit, string theory is bullshit. Gravity is an entirely fictitious force, it's an open secret that no scientist can give a rational explanation of what it is - this goes back to the enlightenment being a psy-op. Most of what we are taught as ancient history are all second hand accounts, sanctioned by the catholic church. We have about 300 years of history that we can more or less account for, the rest might be as much as 90% fabricated.

/r/conspiracy Thread