What are some extension methods you actually use?

Color extension methods:

 public static Color Blend(this Color thisColor, Color blendToColor, double blendToPercent)
            blendToPercent = (1-blendToPercent).ForceBounds(0, 1);

            byte r = (byte)((thisColor.R * blendToPercent) + blendToColor.R * (1 - blendToPercent));
            byte g = (byte)((thisColor.G * blendToPercent) + blendToColor.G * (1 - blendToPercent));
            byte b = (byte)((thisColor.B * blendToPercent) + blendToColor.B * (1 - blendToPercent));

            return Color.FromArgb(r, g, b);

 public static Color MakeDarker(this Color thisColor, double darknessPercent)
            darknessPercent = darknessPercent.ForceBounds(0, 1);

            return Blend(thisColor, Color.Black, darknessPercent);

 public static Color MakeLighter(this Color thisColor, double lightnessPercent)
            lightnessPercent = lightnessPercent.ForceBounds(0, 1);

            return Blend(thisColor, Color.White, lightnessPercent);

 public static Color MakeTransparent(this Color thisColor, double transparentPercent)
            transparentPercent = 255 - (transparentPercent.ForceBounds(0, 1) * 255);

            return Color.FromArgb(thisColor.ToArgb() + ((int)transparentPercent * 0x1000000));

 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a contrasting ForeColor for the specified BackColor.  If the source BackColor is dark, 
 /// then the lightForeColor is returned.  If the BackColor is light, then the darkForeColor is returned.
 /// </summary>

 public static Color DetermineForecolor(this Color thisColor, Color lightForeColor, Color darkForeColor)
            // Counting the perceptive luminance - human eye favors green color... 
            double a = 1 - (0.299 * thisColor.R + 0.587 * thisColor.G + 0.114 * thisColor.B) / 255;

            return a < 0.5 ? darkForeColor : lightForeColor;

 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a contrasting ForeColor for the specified BackColor.  If the source BackColor is dark, 
 /// then the White is returned.  If the BackColor is light, then the Black is returned.
 /// </summary>

 public static Color DetermineForecolor(this Color thisColor)
            return DetermineForecolor(thisColor, Color.White, Color.Black);

 public static int ToRGB(this Color thisColor)
            return (thisColor.ToArgb() & 0xFFFFFF);

public static int ToBGR(this Color thisColor)
            return (thisColor.B << 16) | (thisColor.G << 8) | (thisColor.R << 0);

 public static double ForceBounds(this double thisDouble, double minLimit, double maxLimit)
            return Math.Max(Math.Min(thisDouble, maxLimit), minLimit);

This has been really helpful for creating GUIs with lots of color shades and highlights:

var PenColor = Color.DarkOrange.MakeDarker(0.25d);  // 25% Darker.  100% darker would be black.

var PenColor = Color.Blue.MakeLighter(0.15d);  // 15% Lighter.  100% lighter would be white.  

var PenColor = Color.Red.MakeTransparent(0.6d);  // 60% Transparent.  100% Transparent would be invisible.

var PenColor = Color.Red.Blend(Color.Blue, 0.2d);  // Blend Red and Blue 20%.  100% would be blue.
/r/csharp Thread