What are some extension methods you actually use?

        public static Byte DivideBy(this Byte thisByte, Byte divisor, Byte valueIfError = 0)
            return divisor != 0 ? (Byte)(thisByte / divisor) : valueIfError;
        public static SByte DivideBy(this SByte thisSByte, SByte divisor, SByte valueIfError = 0)
            return divisor != 0 ? (SByte)(thisSByte / divisor) : valueIfError;
        public static Int16 DivideBy(this Int16 thisInt16, Int16 divisor, Int16 valueIfError = 0)
            return divisor != 0 ? (Int16)(thisInt16 / divisor) : valueIfError;
        public static UInt16 DivideBy(this UInt16 thisUInt16, UInt16 divisor, UInt16 valueIfError = 0)
            return divisor != 0 ? (UInt16)(thisUInt16 / divisor) : valueIfError;
        public static Int32 DivideBy(this Int32 thisInt32, Int32 divisor, Int32 valueIfError = 0)
            return divisor != 0 ? (Int32)(thisInt32 / divisor) : valueIfError;
        public static UInt32 DivideBy(this UInt32 thisUInt32, UInt32 divisor, UInt32 valueIfError = 0)
            return divisor != 0 ? (UInt32)(thisUInt32 / divisor) : valueIfError;
        public static Int64 DivideBy(this Int64 thisInt64, Int64 divisor, Int64 valueIfError = 0)
            return divisor != 0 ? (Int64)(thisInt64 / divisor) : valueIfError;
        public static UInt64 DivideBy(this UInt64 thisUInt64, UInt64 divisor, UInt64 valueIfError = 0)
            return divisor != 0 ? (UInt64)(thisUInt64 / divisor) : valueIfError;
        public static Single DivideBy(this Single thisSingle, Single divisor, Single valueIfError = 0)
            if ((divisor != 0) && thisSingle.IsValid() && divisor.IsValid())
            { return thisSingle / divisor; }
            { return valueIfError; }
        public static Double DivideBy(this Double thisDouble, Double divisor, Double valueIfError = 0)
            if ((divisor != 0) && thisDouble.IsValid() && divisor.IsValid())
            { return thisDouble / divisor; }
            { return valueIfError; }
        public static Decimal DivideBy(this Decimal thisDecimal, Decimal divisor, Decimal valueIfError = 0)
            return divisor != 0 ? (Decimal)(thisDecimal / divisor) : valueIfError;

        public static bool IsValid(this Single thisSingle)
            return !(Single.IsInfinity(thisSingle) || Single.IsNaN(thisSingle));
        public static bool IsValid(this Double thisDouble)
            return !(Double.IsInfinity(thisDouble) || Double.IsNaN(thisDouble));

The DivideBy method makes it easy to handle divide by error handling if the a number like zero is preferred instead of an exception:

double valueA = 30;  
double valueB = 0;  
double valueC = double.NAN;  

double result = valueA.DivideBy(valueB);  // Returns default of zero instead of an exception.

double result =  500.DivideBy(valueC);   // Returns default of zero instead of an exception.

double result = 20000.DivideBy(valueA, -1);  // Return -1 as an invalid indicator  

if (valueB.IsValid())
    // IsValid tests for IsInfinity and IsNaN to ensure that the double value is valid for other operations.
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