What are some good Sub-Reddits that are completely useful and not like the typical stuff we keep seeing on the mainstream Reddit posts?


more like a campfire for boy and girl scouts to recall personal stories and share ideas in an attempt to win accolades

and then you have the occasional sprog, who, if your comment garners enough attraction, will appear from the bushes behind you and serenade you with his simple yet chord-striking poetry.

you also have the occasional brigading of other scout squads which come only to harass those who they disagree with

“your opinion/story/idea” is lame, the squad leader states. they exercise their democratic rights to vote, and give you a terrible vote without explanation.

you have the overseers - the questioners. your job is to make your story/opinion/idea impact them in one way or another, so much so that it doesn’t get buried in the myriad of other statements that are also accompanying the competitive spirit ‘rounding the flames of the campfire.

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