What are some good internet rabbit-holes to check out?

That is in fact himanity's natural state, but you say it like they're having a good time. You talk of the "bullshit and politics driving our daily lives" as some kind of extreme evil but the truth is that, compared to square one for humanity as a species, modern society's woes are a complete walk in the park.

Sure our monkey brains aren't really equipped for the social and technological demands we put on ourselves on a daily basis and as a result we can develop anxiety and depression etc., but that is nothing compared to near-constant threat of starvation, survival itself depending immediately on the environment around you, or no treatment for any of the seemingly random and often fatal diseases that can appear. Not to mention these people are humans just like me and you, which means they probably have their own fucked up social norms that can cause unnecessary pain or discrimination.

I don't know about you, but I've never really worried about food security. My whole networked society of hundreds of millions has so much food that now the problem is eating too much. If I got sick, I've always rested knowing that there's a 99% chance it can be treated and if not, that there's at least a near 100% chance that doctors can tell me what actually is wrong. My great grandma recently celebrated her 99th birthday, and is still going strong. She lives hundreds of miles away and I can talk to her right now. I wouldn't be so quick to romanticize the life that they're living, even if it's natural. Nature is a cold, amoral place that affords none of the creature comforts you and I take as a given, like safe drinking water or sturdy shelter.

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