What are some good part-time jobs for future MLTs?

So phlebotomists on the floor in the hospital, at least at my hospital, go absolutely everywhere in the hospital which means they sometimes have to stick very very sick people.

I've stuck patients with severe dementia who didn't know who I was, where they were, or understand why they needed lab work drawn. They were very frightened, screaming and fighting and had to be restrained so that labs could be drawn. I've gotten blood from a psychotic patient who was convinced the nurses were conspiring to hurt her. It took me about 15 mins of listening to her and establishing enough trust so that she'd let me draw her labs. I've stuck very sick patients on vents in ICU. I had one patient wake up while I was in the room and try to tear their intubation tube out. I had to hang on to the tube, try to calm the patient down and call for help all at the same time. I've stuck crying kids in peds with their very anxious parents standing right over me the entire time. I've stuck patients in the ICU and gotten to know them and their families only to find out later that they've passed. I've been kicked at, shoved, cussed at and had stuff thrown at me. It's a tough job sometimes.

That being said I've had some experiences with patients that I will never forget. Seeing extremely sick and suffering people live out grace, humor and compassion towards others on the midst of all of their suffering can be

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