What are some history books that you feel everyone in your country should read?

Through this butchered rendering of history, he's arrived at a conclusion that he already had before he began writing: the European conquests in the Americas were an inevitable result of European superiority. And to Diamond, this superiority goes beyond the specific technologies that Europeans used, such as trans-atlantic sailing, weapons, and armor. By Diamond's reckoning, the difference between native civilizations and European ones was not simply a question of specific technologies and cultural idiosyncrasies; the native civilizations were categorically inferior. Their lack of specific technologies is equated with a lack of intellectual sophistication. The naiveté he ascribes to the Inca makes them seem like children who lacked the wisdom and experience of their more sophisticated European counterparts. They cowered helplessly in fear of their new European overlords, as the unstoppable conquistadors rolled through armies that outnumbered them 1,000 to 1 like a twelve-pound ball through bowling pins.

Diamond goes to great lengths, many times to specifically point out no genetic group is inherently superior to any other. In fact, many have criticised him for subscribing to what could be called 'geographic determinism'. That is, there is very little any genetic group could have done to change the ultimate outcome when the geography shapes their development.

Furthermore, I might even suggest that the chapter he is criticising is one of the least important chapters in the book. He could have omitted it and presented the same theories. The fact is, the Incas were steamrolled. Exactly how and why is up for discussion. What diamond is asks time and time again is why was it not the other way around. In fact, that is the whole point of the book. It is stated in the forward, introduction and just about every other chapter 1.

It is almost as if that guy did not read the book. At all.

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