What are some interesting BEEFs from Your world?

Ho’kai pretend to get along for diplomatic reasons but they genuinely believe their culture is superior so… tension ensues

Ghosfyr hate everyone (and everyone hates them) because their culture revolves around slavery (in life and death) and most people got a problem with that

Obsidon tend to stick to their own and are pretty insular, but they get a little headstrong if anyone tries to screw with their traditions

Warglave got problems with everyone because they’re expansionist and just want more territory so they tend to constantly push their borders

Aenar genuinely don’t understand how everyone else doesn’t want to be apart of their (very old) culture that is so steeped in tradition and archaic rules that’s it’s almost indecipherable to outsiders

Splintik don’t care about anything but the advancement of the sciences so morality often gets thrown out the window, which some take issues with

Uru is a wonderful place that everyone should live. What? You don’t want to live here? Or join our cult? The fuck is wrong with you?

I got heaps more; it’s a big world

/r/worldbuilding Thread