What are some major differences between your IRL personality, and your online personas?

Nothing actually. I don't like to lie online now that I'm older. I'm basicaly the same as I am in real life.

As a young child I was taught to lie online, this was the sensible and smart thing to do. Lie about your age, name, location, everything. This was the normal thing to do and I understood why because holy shit, the amount of pedophiles I came across in chatrooms back then was insane. This was far before the days where the internet even had laws around it. MySpace didn't exist yet, let alone Facebook or anything else you'd consider to be social media.

Luckily I had been raised well, and trolled the fuck out of any pedophiles I encountered. Never gave them a real piece of information about myself. I lived in the UK, not California, but they didn't need to know this.

Blows my mind nowadays how much it has flipped. My mum got banned from Facebook recently for using a false name and had to send her ID in to get her account unbanned. If that happens to me (I also use a fake name) I'll just tell FB to fuck off. What gives them the right to know everything about me?

Still I just go by anonymously and minimise the real life information, I do not use social media that much, the FB profile is legit for family purposes only and Twitter, Instragram etc are of no interest to me. I liked it when my friends and I used an encrypted IRC server but they eventually wanted to move to Discord. Discord is concerning. Be careful what you write there even if it's in PMs.

So ultimately not much difference between my IRL personal and my online one but online I am a bit more cagey because I have to be. It's a lonely existance I guess, but thankfully I do have people close to me I can confide in.

/r/AskReddit Thread