What are some major issues faced by middle class, cis, white, straight women in the west?

I’m working class but I find myself in middle class spaces online a lot, and from an outsider perspective they seem to really be troubled by feeling forced to appear a certain way with expensive makeup and clothes, they feel more forced into the sort of social roles you see in American sitcoms from the 90s, like they really identified with the media they consumed growing up and they seem to have a really tough time deviating from identity and social models they got from Home Improvement and Friends and also Disney movies, and also they seem to be surrounded by men who are much more sexist and awful than the working class men I know.

Like their dating pool of guys wouldn’t be caught dead cooking and doing the laundry and cleaning and taking care of the cats and watching kdramas with me, and actually being more into the kdramas than I am, like my husband does.

It seems a very exhausting way to live with a ton of demands on them to appear perfect by the standards of their culture. I’d choose not being able to afford overseas vacations or other fancy things any day over the misery and lack of freedom to be themselves I read from middle class women online.

/r/AskFeminists Thread