What Are Some Methods To Get Through Long Boring Academic Articles?

Mine is Political Science and I'm getting a certificate in International Relations. Technically I have a concentration is Southern European studies but they only say that because I took Spanish. It has nothing to do with my classes, which is why I think it's a stupid label.

I primarily went back for fear of the social and economic repercussions. My family is white and middle class- higher education is an expectation, though both my sisters dropped out of college. They're both now seriously struggling in life. Though one's returned to school and is working on her masters she's utterly ignoring the dilemma of debt. She has little to no savings and has hardly worked while in college. Lucky for her she just married someone in the tech industry..

I originally wanted to work for the Dept. Of State but upon realizing it's a bit elitist, very bureaucratic and at the mercy of the president's whims (racist or not) that desire has dried up.

Now International business is looking interesting but that leaves me wishing I has studied intl. business or business as an undergrad. Unfortunately I kind of dove headfirst into college because my parents told me to. Now I'm remorsefully soon to graduate.

I've alway hated standardized education, i get B's without studying and am very good at "playing the college game" which is part of the reason I'm disillusioned with it. Sometimes it just feels like an overpriced game to get a piece of paper.

The students placate the teachers by jumping through academic hoops while the school placates the students by providing delicious food and looking the other way when the students commit minor crimes like illegally drinking or smoking (weed). All the while both students and the school tell the parents that everything is going great and that their money is going to good use..

Also for me- learning is fun but usually only if I can ask specific questions. Theres something interesting about everything and often that something interesting will lead to other things. Yet standardized education doesn't work this way. Questions in class must be short and to the point. Yes you can sometimes go to office hours but curiosity is often a spur of the moment thing.

Anyway I'm not trying to alienate or anger the people on this sub- I value their input. So I'll retreat from my tirade. Suffice to say I'm still searching for meaning and direction.

/r/AskAcademia Thread Parent