What are some of the most pathetic things YouTubers have done for views?

My sister has an island countertop in the center of the kitchen with a row of stools on one side where her 5 year old twins like to sit and eat or do their homework. Her husband works in tech sales, so the house if filled with laptops and tablets and other gadgets that the kids are very familiar with. He set up a couple of all-in-one touchscreen PCs on the island so the kids could play games and watch videos. Her daughter especially liked to watch the unboxing videos for toys.

So my sister was making dinner and talking on the phone that night, and her daughter had YouTube open and was happily watching video after video with her headphones on. Sometime later, my sister walks around to the other side of the island to see what her daughter was so engrossed in. She was watching a medical educational video on the gynecological exam with a nice young lady in the stirrups and the doctor demonstrating the procedures. Apparently she opened a direct link to the unfiltered YouTube and had wandered through the links to the less appropriate videos. Oooops.

No harm was done. Her daughter didn't seem to be phased by it. They pay a little more attention how to what is actually on the screen now.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent