What are some obvious jokes in media their respective fanbases treat seriously?

I feel like western conceptions of gender and sexuality and 'diversity' ideology in allot of media take precedent on things way too seriously. The ideology is akin to British colonial thought via that notion. Like folk were being super hur durrr bout Yamato in one piece being a male as an icon LGBT representation, equating the history of One Piece's take on 'diversity to the same lazy postmodernistic jargon of British, Canadian, American, Australian or Kiwi circles of discourse. Just shut up, the third gender in India has nothing to do with ur LGBT banner, that's India' s context of culture not your universal sets of 'queerness'.

Sorry for the fit, allot of western classmates rubbed me off the wrong way throughout the month on the issue of diversity n ethics class.

/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay Thread