What are some personality traits that clash with your own personality and you cannot stand?

mil·i·tant (mĭl′ĭ-tənt) adj. 1. Fighting or warring. 2. Having a combative character; aggressive, especially in the service of a cause: a militant political activist. n. A fighting, warring, or aggressive person or party.

Nope, haven’t misunderstood that at all. Used it very specifically. Militant vegans is a thing, just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean people are using the word wrong.

That’s a pointless question to ask someone. Here’s a better one. Would humans be better off if we ate mushrooms or cats? And the answer is... we need both. We need a balanced diet of mushroom and cat. Trying to survive off one or the other is unhealthy. I’m really sorry for vegans that biology hasn’t caught up to where they are in their minds, but as a species we have a large portion of our diet containing meat. That’s how we evolved. That’s why we are here. So again, fair play to you for being vegan. But for a lot of people, it isn’t an appropriate way to live.

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