What are some positions or policies you DISLIKE about your own party?

Again, you've failed to prove that gender exists as a binary beyond argument by assertion. Furthermore you've provided no sound reason as to why you know this to be the case (didn’t need to edit this). And finally you've demonstrated multiple times a woeful lack of understanding of the difference between sex and the various dimensions of gender (didn’t need to edit this either).

You made the first claim, Bucko. Whatever burden of proof exists is on you.

Besides which, I just left you basically speechless and without any retort (besides your weak assed hand waving), with my “purely reason based” argument comparing to color.

You haven’t even started the debate, because you’ve get to even make a point beyond “derrrrr, I know there’s just two, cause I say so.” You’re so far from “winning” it’s like you’re outside the stadium, staring sadly at the entrance to the game that you don’t even have a ticket to.

Besides which, you have repeatedly exposed just, blatant, blatant studpity with your “I’m a rationalist not an empiricist” childishness. What is this, ancient Athens? Dude, you’re not Socrates, you’re not even the guy who sits around and listens to Socrates

You’re just ignorant. And, getting kind of pitiable. Seriously, come up with some new material- you’re boring me, and the lack of any creative response is... sad.

So far- you’ve lost. Womp womp. Go ahead, take another swing, as if you are even in the game.

/r/AskALiberal Thread Parent