What are some positive parts of about your life? Comment below ⬇️

Let's see...

I have a close friend who I really enjoy spending time with.... but she gives me crippling anxiety because sometimes she seems like she's flirting with me but I can't tell and I'm worried I'll ruin the friendship by either being too close or too distant... Okay I'm doing this wrong. Let's try again.

I'm in school and I enjoy my degree... but I feel like an imposter and my procrastination means I come really close to failing and I don't think I'll ever get a job from it anyways.

Okay one more time. I have a wonderful cat... but I think I might feed her too much and she's a little chubby and she could probably use more exercise and fresh air and I don't clip her claws enough and I'm worried they'll become ingrown.

I don't think I'm doing this right.

/r/aspergers Thread