What are some privileges women have that men don't?

I'm a woman and enjoy taking a "combat" workout class, where we practice punching and kicking. After the class, I like to mock-brag about my "martial arts skills" and try to "spar" with my husband. I'll never forget the time he actually threw an air-punch back at me: it was just pretend and we were laughing the whole time, but it immediately became obvious that he could overpower me with one hand tied behind his back if he wanted to. And I am not small or weak. It was genuinely disconcerting.

I agree with /u/liberal_apostate: most women are not going to be able to overpower a man who does not want to be overpowered. Most women cannot and will not bloody men's noses, black men's eyes, or beat men to death with their bare hands. The idea that a man and a woman pose an equal threat to each other in a physical altercation is simply ridiculous.

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