What are some privileges women have that men don't?

Man, this is what I'm afraid of. Same exact BS. This girl strung me along for so long. Didn't want me settling for her and her kids - all those lovely excuses. There was a 10 year age difference, but it didn't bother me.

Wants to stay "friends" but every time we got to talking, we'd get too close, have sex, she'd get scared and push me away again. Clearly has no idea what she wants. Can't keep playing this push/pull game forever.

So I ended the friendship/relationship completely. Blocked her on all social media. She didn't do so well after that which I saw first hand.

Earlier that day from her snap story she looked fine and was happy. The next day after she fell really ill, lost her voice and missed days of work. Coincidence? Possibly.

But her friends on Facebook were sharing/posting things like those motivational sayings along the lines of, "you could meet someone tomorrow that has better intentions for you" and whatnot that feels like a jab at me - like I'M the one that wronged her or somehow fucked up.

Even though she admitted to me completely that everything going wrong was entirely her fault. No shit.

But the truth is I have no idea who knows what about anything that happened. It's just the timing on everything seems too good to be a coincidence on their part. Especially how they haven't posted shit like that since around that time.

I hate the idea of being the bad guy, but feel fine with it because if it ever came down to it, I have all the proof I need to show I was in the right. And she did wrong.

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