what are some reasons we have less freedom then time directly before revolutionary war?

these aren't freedoms, these are all conveniences that you've traded away ur freedoms for. education? many educating instutions are complete shams promising jobs that aren't theres to promise.

medicine - since when is drug trade a form medicine. how addicted and paying out the wazoo are people that you are counting as receiving medicine?

food safety standards? they didn't really on a supply chain as badly as we do, did they? they didn't have restaurant lifestyles like today. so its needless.

no banking? you're kidding right? no debt system? wow, no wonder there was freedom.

limited police? they had the freedom to police themselves.

no public utilities? like what? they had an out-house? they didn't have electricity... i might give you that one, but only because i like tesla.

retirement insurance? this is why family was important, and the elders can lead with their wisdom. how is shoving old people into homes and practicing agism a form of freedom?

roads? im wondering what reasons do u need them, if u don't have cars?

consumer protection? sure there was, giving me my money back or i'll come find you. and people aren't allowed to just steal either

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