What are some red flags that you ignored in the beginning of relationships that came back and bit you in the but?

Oh, man, haha. My most recent ex specifically:

  • Conflict-avoidant. He didn't want to "rock the boat" and wanted me not to, either, even when one of his friends would make nasty comments.

  • Rarely kept his word about the small things. Best example: Early on, I introduced him to my favorite show. We promised to watch the season finale together the next night. He watched it on his own while I was at work.

  • Rarely kept his word about the big things. Best example: He promised he'd say something about the above situation with his friends with me. He didn't.

  • Hated his life. Never did anything to change it. Work, video games, sleep. I tried to nudge him back into music (he used to play trumpet/bass) or exercise.

Biting my tongue on a few things I can't word politely, so I'll stop there. I stayed with him longer than I should have because deep down, I don't think I felt I deserved any better. Dating him was comfortable and easy, and he was "nice". I was very unhappy with myself, but eventually outgrew that and moved on.

/r/datingoverthirty Thread