What are some things you can do with a Bachelor of Arts degree?

Am probably quite late to the question, but I felt I could give a somewhat legitimate answer. As someone who is taking my second year of art and design at a college I’ve been looking at getting a BA in arts and am looking at potential career paths.. so far the best route seems to be either continuing schooling with the BA in arts as a solid foundation for other fields such as graphic design or animation- the BA in arts would honestly be a good set up/set ahead for these fields. Or, teaching is also a good option. I am also in Canada and as far as I know, for teaching post-secondary, a BA in arts is a sufficient start to teaching arts yourself- with teachers college only necessary for teaching elementary/highschool. Aside from that, networking and building up a good resume with art related jobs (galleries, craft stores, art workshops, etc) can be a good set up for curatorial jobs at galleries or exhibits. Finally, the less common but still achievable with enough dedication is freelance or self employment. The traditional “artist” career is really hard but I’ve seen people make it work, especially if you fit in a niche, or can gain an online presence (like Patreon or Etsy-probably oversaturated tho) altogether though, you probably cannot do a whole lot with a BA in arts alone, atleast some connections or previous jobs can help... so far that’s all I’ve got, hope it can help atleast a little bit :)

/r/AskReddit Thread