What are some things I might be missing out on?

I had the same problem as you growing up, my parents were providing me with everything needed but were ZERO involved in my development, that's the point that many boomer parents can't get in their skulls, just like the beta male of giving girls gifts and expecting them to love you, you can't just buy food and toys for your kid, ignore him then wonder what went wrong then he becomes anti social or a criminal. They never taught me the most essential things, my late father was too busy getting drunk while mother, to this day, is a control freak just like my aunt. I got rejected in the most humiliating ways by girls and was picked on, yet nobody was there to tell me to defend myself or work on my appearance. When I went to boarding school at the age of 15 and moved to a city (Although I was one of the best students, I went to a low-tier high school that was attended by juvenile criminals and fuck ups, but the job paid good). Long story short, I became more masculine,developed my identity, became comfortable with violence and all those "criminals" and ghetto people proved to be more friendly and real to me, helped me on my way despite me being a nerd when we met. At the end of high school I became one of the biggest,baddest and most intimidating men and became downright arrogant with girls because of the many IOI's I was getting. To this day I am in a low key hostile relation with my family, but I got my freedom and know that I will be a better and more respectable parent than any of my old fashioned blue pill family members will ever be. Don't let the past define you, you should define your past, along with the present and future, when you adopt the fighting mentality, you will look at all those who opposed you and after winning, which you will, nothing will stop you.

/r/asktrp Thread