What are some things to avoid in college?

Learn from all my friends and I’s mistakes. I am a senior (21F) and yes, the majority of guys only want to hookup. I wish I knew this my freshman year. Stay away from frat boys if you want a relationship. Most (not all) are immature, are trying to impress their fraternity brothers Being tied down would get them made fun of/ruin their reputation with the guys. A lot of them want to have sex every weekend because they can and they get praised for it. They’re also drunk and tempted constantly (not that that’s an excuse) Now by all means feel free to make friends with them. I wouldn’t recommend getting into a relationship right away either. Meet new friends. Figure out how to study. Join a club. When the time comes I highly suggest dating at least 2-3 years older than you because they tend to be over their immature phase. But beware, some know freshman girls are “easy” and there’s the risk they will take advantage of that.

/r/college Thread