What are some things you find weird about the USA that Americans take for granted as normal?

Generally I like the US, and have no problems there. I would happily live there, but here are some of my observations following extensive travel/work in the US. Mostly CA. The following things are weird.

The money:Same shape, same size, same colour. Only difference between the notes is the slave owner's face on it. Not helpful when drunk.

Tipping: Why? Just add extra to the bill and pay your staff a decent wage.

Guns: I own firearms myself, so am not opposed to gun ownership, but the current situation in the US is really fucked up.

Police: If pulled over, why should I keep perfectly still and make no movements, show my hands at all times and generally passively cower in fear and call the officer "Sir", just to not get shot.

Tipping again: Just because.

Flags everywhere and adoration of police and ex-service personnel: It's just like Soviet oppression, only instead of doing it with a gun to your head, you're doing it willingly. That's just super-creepy.

Patriotism: We're all proud of our countries to some extent, but we're also aware of failings in our history, for example many European nations have a history of colonial oppression. But not in the US. No criticism is allowed, this blind patriotism is just stupid. Flags, oath of allegiance, indoctrination of the population (starting in school), more flags, "thank you for your service", the worshipping of founding-fathers, flags, God Bless America.

Catcalling: In bars, I hear comments all the time aimed at attractive women, some of it not very nice, some of it beyond what I would call acceptable. Yes, she looks nice, but there no need to openly discuss with your friends what you want to do to her. This just wouldn't happen here. (Might be because we have no attractive women here though)

Medical bills and Insurance: You should not have the quality and effectiveness of your medical treatment based on your ability to pay, or the insurance package that comes with the job. It's not communism to think universal health care is a sign of a civilised, advanced, modern democracy.

'At will' employment: Turn up for work to be told you are not needed anymore. Healthcare and all benefits cease at midnight - see above.

/r/AskUK Thread