What are some ways unattractive girls can get your (positive) attention ?

I'll be very specific as a woman that went from unattractive to attractive.

  1. Good body - Toned but not overly muscular. Depending on the man, either curvy or skinny.
  2. Fashion - Feminine. Men love dresses, especially a red dress. I don't know what it is about a red dress, but if you have a good figure and you're wearing red -> automatically eye catching. The two runner ups are black dresses and pink dresses, in that order. Another big one is that some guys like stockings.
  3. Dancing or singing - If you are a really great dancer, trust me... guys will be coming to you. Not many people can sing very well, but if you do, you're golden.
  4. Musical instrument - If you play a musical instrument very well, it can be quite the aphrodisiac. I have never heard so many "angel" comments than when I played a musical instrument.
  5. Flirting and complimenting - This can be verbal, playful touches and/or gestures. SMILING is the biggest one, winking, giggling, etc. Guys aren't used to getting a lot of compliments as compared to women, so when you give them some, they really appreciate it.
  6. Charm, humor and being fun - Being physically attractive gets you in the door, but what keeps the guy going would be your personality. If you have a great sense of humor and know how to have fun, this always wins out the boring pretty chick in the long run.
  7. Positivity - No one likes being around a sad and/or negative person. If you know how to be positive and encourage the guy, he will want to be around you.
  8. Comforter - When you give emotional support especially when he has a shitty day, there's no greater feeling than coming to someone that cares, comforts and cuddles (the three Cs as I call it).
  9. Being sweet and kind - Melt his heart away with being a sweetheart. Thank him for small things and try to anticipate his needs and wants (I learned this from my job actually...)
  10. Confidence - I was never confident about my looks, but I was sure AF confident about my intelligence and personality. Confidence is sexy, while insecurity and obsessiveness are turnoffs. Also worth mentioning that indecisiveness is a turnoff too. Knowing what you want to do with your life, being goal oriented and going out there and making it happen -> sexy.
  11. Uniqueness - Although different isn't always good, when a guy notices that you are unique, he will be thinking about you. Like wow, I never met anyone else like you - type of feeling.
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