What are some ways to assimilate?

So, not saying you actually should change anything about yourself, but here's a small thing that I think tends to make other people feel alienated that I think is a common thing amongst recent immigrants---a kind of horrified reaction at some things that are relatively normal in America.

For example, let's say you're a vegetarian. You go out to dinner with your friends, who are in whatever sense American. Either the waiter offers you a meat-based dish, or one of your friends suggests you all share a large meat-based dish, whatever. The kind of standard American thing to do here is to say, "Nah, I don't eat meat---I'll just get something else" or "Sorry, I actually don't eat meat---is there anything vegetarian on the menu?" It's just kind of a minor moment, a simple statement of preference. For many recent immigrants it becomes a weird (from the American perspective) performative moment--- "Oh no, I could never eat meat, I never eat meat" etc. Or if someone offers you a drink and you're a teetotaller---just politely decline, nobody needs to hear about how absurd it is to even offer you alcohol. I hope I'm being clear with what the difference is. To be fair, some Americans---politically minded vegetarians and vegans, straight-edge people---often do this too, but they're often thought of as obnoxious for it. For a number of racial reasons it tends to reinforce your foreigness if you do it as a brown person.

When it comes to other double-standards...don't force the latest slang or something you've picked up from memes online or whatever. Lots of those come from AAVE, and if you're with white people they're probably not using them correctly either, but it might come off as extra goofy if you use it.

To be honest, though, all these things are relatively minor. The most stereotypical "Asian" trait in America is submissiveness, shyness, obvious discomfort. I see people recently landed in clubs, bars, very extroverted social situations, with thick accents doing extremely well just because they don't really seem to be overthinking their position. You'll be fine.

/r/ABCDesis Thread