What are some of the weirdest things you have come across on dating apps/sites?

I was on the dating scene for a few years after the end of a 21 year relationship, I was in my late 30’s and the amount of ‘damaged’ woman on there was really disheartening.

Obviously it’s not their fault (I assume) and you don’t get to that age without a story to tell but it was blindingly obvious that these ladies had been used and/or made some consistently bad choices with regards to the men they had dated

The “is anyone faithful these days” and “I’m not just after a friend with benefits” is a massive turn off when it’s in a profile, in fact as a rule of those words were in the profile then the rest of it would consist of the type of man they aren’t after rather than taking another the type of man they do want

If you’ve got to that point you should take a break cus for whatever reasons it’s not working out for you

/r/CasualUK Thread