What are some words women use to shame men?

I started to type out a long edit kinda detailing some of what’s happened, but short answer is yes, he has.

It hasn’t happened in a while, but he has choked me while looking me dead in the eyes saying he could choke the life out of me, pushed me down to the bed when I’ve tried getting past him and then has held me down so I couldn’t run out of the room (because in his mind, I wasn’t in any danger and was being irrational), he has given me a black eye (although he downplays that), he has slapped me, he’s grabbed my arms and wrists so hard it’s burned, one time he had me pinned on the bed and I was scared he would start choking me so I started to bang on the window as hard as I could to try to get anyones attention (bed was right by window) and I hit so hard my entire right hand went through the glass, and I cut myself in 4 places and a spot on my chin, I was bleeding profusely and could even see the pulse through the laceration. All required stitches and I now have permanent nerve damage in my right (dominant) hand/wrist to where I have no feeling and limited movement. Everything I said above has happened several times, besides the nerve damage incident. He even went to jail for a night for being so intoxicated he was tumbling with me in the middle of the road and I guess a passersby called the police and he claims he couldn’t recall anything and the cops asked him if he hit me and his response was: if she has marks on her I must have hit her” — so that would have been the first out of two times he’s actually punched me.

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