What are some of your core beliefs?

If you eat meat - at least once, kill an animal you're going to eat. I'm an avid hunter and angler, but also a passionate conservationist and wildlife / environmental advocate.

People generally chose to buy more expensive, organic meat because it came from a farm that provides higher quality of life for the animals it slaughters (and tastes better). That's great, but it's still a profound separation between yourself and the animal you're going to eat - a degree of separation that we, as humans, have never had this large until the last 70-80 years or so.

There's nothing wrong with eating meat. However, take some accountability and watch the animal you're going to eat die by your own hand.

Knowing how an animal lived, and how it died, is something I think is quite healthy, and grounding.

Shooing away the whole "death" part of eating meat because it's "just gross and sad" is pretty lame. Hunting is an awesome way to procure food, if you're a meat eater. If hunting isn't an option, I guarantee there's a farm not that far away that would be happy to accept a volunteer interested in getting involved in the process.

TL;DR: if you're a meat eater, take some accountability and kill your own food once in a while.

/r/AskReddit Thread