What are you thoughts on women lying about being on birth control?

Horrible, and I don't want to victimblame, but why trust people when it comes to birth control. People don't seem to grasp the consequences of their actions. There are many things you can do that don't matter, sex is not one of them. They should have taken responsibility for their birth control.

Now this wouldn't happen to me. Partly because I'm ugly and also because I'm smarter than this, but given their situation I would turn buddhist wandering monk for some time and pay zero child support. Let her feel all the meaning she wished for. Also if I was that rich guy's father I would not offer financial help. I would also screenshot that stuff and spread it for her. I don't think employers would be happy to have people who brag about having successfully scammed their partner work for them.

/r/antinatalism Thread Link - reddit.com