What are you thoughts on bring a phone farm to school?

Have you thought about remote accessing your phones when you're away from your room? There is an app (and a few others that I'm not aware of) that let you remote access from 1 android to 1 android or pc to android and vice versa. The app I have been keeping my eyes out on is called AirDroid which has high score in the Google Store.

Last night I was looking through their blog and apparently they released a beta version late last year (which for some reason I missed the info) that can let you do remote access without rooting the phone. I was going to test this last night, but got occupied by something. Anyhow, they have a premium version which cost money so I assume they either have a free version (limited capabilities) or a trial version so you can test out that see if this route works for you. Blog: http://blog.airdroid.com/post/airdroid-win-v3-2-2-update-non-rooted-android-can-use-airmirror-on-win-too-4-1/

There was also a Perk guy who did this successfully, but he used a different program. You can read his post here: https://www.reddit.com/r/perktv/comments/49s4n1/automating_your_farm/

Finally, the only concern I would have if I was in your shoe is what would the IT guys think if they were doing their job and scrutinizing the network at that dorm. Take Perk for example, back a few months ago, I did a test to see how much bandwidth Perk TV app was consuming by using 3G Watchdog app. I can't remember the exact number, but I would get roughly 130-150 mbs per hour (up + down) per phone. If you are running 10 Fuels in that room for 24 hrs, that's roughly 20-30 gig a day (up + down) coming out of your room. Obviously, you can't run a spam email operation with this little bandwidth, so let's HOPE that the IT guys at your dorm will turn an eye and assume you're just downloading porn daily at this extreme level. My suggestion is if this could pose a problem/concern, you can try remoting 6 Fuels and take 4 Fuels with you when you leave your room to mitigate/eliminate that future problem. Trust me, lugging all that unnecessary weight with you sucks as a student.

I'll be testing AirDroid when I actually have the motivation. As for the PM that I discussed with you on that device, I need more time on testing since I'm waiting for the 6" fan to arrive next week. Hopefully my setup and experiment on it will be completed by end of next week so I'll PM you on that. For now, I can tell you the current result is satisfactory.

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