What are ways in which I can open myself up a but more and make some more friends/attract more interest with girls?

Ok you're 5'3 and unsuccessful at online dating. You know that online dating fucking sucks for the vast majority of guys right? You mentioned in one of your posts about having 60 friends (8 who are girls) who all think you're really popular and likable, so your social skills must be pretty good. Ask your friends, particularly the girls, to put in a good word and set you up with their friends.

Get off r/foreveralone, r/short, and reddit in general because getting bitter and having a pity party for yourself isn't going to help you at all. Reddit and internet forums in general tend to attract vocal complainers because people irl don't want put up with whiny behavior...spend your time elsewhere dude. I personally like listening to podcasts and reading because it expands my world view and gives me a lot to talk about. Put yourself in situations where you will meet single women, like dance classes or maybe rock climbing. You mentioned trying out all sorts of classes and sports, maybe you need to focus on just a few that you really like (not just to pick up women). You're short and Asian, so you need to be in good shape, have a good haircut that makes you look taller (like an undercut), and have good fashion sense.

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