What are the weapon stereotypes?

Well, you basically did in your first comment, unintentionally or not.

Listen, programming is neat as hell. And, you definitely don't have to be the best to talk about it. I'm pretty terrible at it, but I talk about it a ton. It's a hobby that you, literally, could spend all your time on and never know everything.

I just see people turning things into pseudo code all over reddit - some sort of inside joke I don't get - and it's pretty confusing why it's popular. It's kind of like this, if it makes more sense:

class NewProgrammer
    private $experience;
    public $wanna_talk;

    function __construct($experience, $wanna_talk)
        $this->thinkAboutIt($experience, $wanna_talk);

    function thinkAboutIt($experience, $wanna_talk)
        switch ($wanna_talk){
            case true:

    function redditPost($experience)
        switch ($experience){
            case true:
                // to do: learn how to write a bot to post programming memes to reddit
                // to do: play monster hunter
                // to do: finish code academy lesson so I can update variables here

                $this->thinkAboutIt($experience, $wanna_talk);

    function dontPostMemes()

    function doSomethingElse()
$Me = new NewProgrammer(false, true);
/r/MonsterHunter Thread Parent