What are your atypical dealbreakers when dating or being close friends with someone?

Being a flake. I tend to assume if you cancel repeatedly, it isn’t because you are the most busy person in the world, you just don’t like me. If you don’t like me, tell me or even just block me. If you pull the “fade” on me until I get the hint, you can go fuck yourself.

The last time I hung out with other women was four years ago. We hung out twice. Then they kept saying “too busy” when I tried to hang out with them for WEEKS. Then they just left me on read. They then posted pictures on FB that they hung out without me. I unfriended both of them immediately and was very very deeply hurt. So yeah I haven’t hung out with another woman since February 2014 and don’t really want to ever again after that.

/r/AskWomen Thread