What are your main sources of inspiration?

I tend to find inspiration in the fairly typical ways, showers, walks, music & real life. I feel like the stuff I take from real life tends to be focused on characters or themes that weigh on my mind. I'm constantly fascinated by perception vs reality, and often reflect on the moments where I've been caught off guard by something or someone that's changed my opinion/perspective.

I enjoy watching a lot of movies, even mediocre ones, if they've got a good enough idea going for them, because usually there's something that's working in it, and it's easy to figure out how you would do things differently and that itself can inspire ideas. I also have a playlist of trailers/montages/scenes that I like to put on, and sometimes they're just background noise.

Here's a couple examples of the random sort of scenes I tend to put in. They really don't have to be from a good show or movie, but it's just where they've managed to really pull off a moment well, and they tend to have good music which is why I often just use them as background noise.

[https://youtu.be/CJrjvmq-4_0](Declaration of intent from The Punisher.)

[https://youtu.be/9qNVGl_7awY](Assassination of Jesse James Ending.)

[https://youtu.be/p_xkEtD44tM](Meeting the mother in How I Met Your Mother.)

[https://youtu.be/sXiRZhDEo8A](Never Let Me Go Trailer.)

[https://youtu.be/AcJkVa7MsrQ](The Ending of Rush.)

[https://youtu.be/5xPMpm_eCKM](Dr Manhattan is tired of Earth, from Watchmen.)

[https://youtu.be/Cw-TTr3sK8o](Rectify Season 1 Trailer)

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