What are your most unpopular book opinions?

I think 11/22/63 is a terrible book, primarily because it reads like two different books. Ignoring the title, which is garbage...it's a calendar date...

The first 80% isn't bad. It's got some suspense, intricate details, a good flow...a typical King book. But once you get to the last part, it's like a completely different author and story. The entire book is a build up to a time and date and then the end story, the alternative future, even coming 'back to the present' is extremely rushed, poorly thought out, and reads like a short story. Like he had a deadline and was ten chapters short and just banged them out in the car on the way to the publisher.

What's worse is I cannot understand the huge fanfare for this specific book. King is a writing machine, and he's got something for everyone. People usually like different books of his, some love, some dislike, but a good balance overall. But universally this specific book is raved about and people get downright offended if you dislike it.

It's terrible. You could skip the end of it and it's a totally different and decent book.

/r/books Thread