What are your most controversial vegan opinions?

I don’t know why this is controversial but I don’t get why people are shamed for becoming a vegetarian before they go vegan. Even if someone has the right mindset and drive to go vegan, it’s difficult. Most restaurants don’t have many vegetarian options (much less vegan options). So for someone who’s consumed animal products their whole life, it’s a hard adjustment and even discouraging if they can’t change their lifestyle overnight. Not only do dairy and eggs make up a large portion of a lot of peoples diets, that shit is in EVERYTHING. Even if they don’t eat cheese, they may not be used to having to read the labels of everything they pick up at the grocery store (ex: why the fuck is there gelatin in a container of peanuts). I think if someone’s making a conscious effort to transition to a vegan lifestyle, we should continue to encourage them and not shame them because they didn’t become vegan sooner.

/r/vegan Thread