what are your opinions on the possibility of MOASS, hyper inflation, and its effect on crypto if it comes to fruition?

hypothetically, what do you think would happen though? what would you do?

i mean, we wouldnt just stop trying to hold our value. i figured isnt this kind of what crypto was meant for, at least in part?

eventually things would balance out, but the necessity for currency would be one of the only things holding society together especially early days, no?. i honestly dont think a total collapse would take place, because when i think collapse, i think like.....apocolypse, like no chance of recovery, absolute zero. a crash however, from a mass redistribution of wealth, well maybe the dollar drops to the extremes but if we had a crutch for individuals and large institutions to hold value until the dust settles, do you think we wouldnt use every tool at our disposal to do so? if not perhaps discussing a permanent switch to more efficient and useful currencies/financial systems that cut out large portions of human error and influence? (not naming any specifically, but there are some nice developments with lots of potential in the future)

also, imagine you are currently an extremely ultra rich person, if you arent already. and you know that several months to a year from now, all your personal wealth will be almost worthless. would you not exchange most if not all of it for a currency that is not tied directly to a country's dollar? i mean, if you and all your other hyper rich buddies saw it coming, do you think they wouldnt jump ship and hope they can hold value somewhere else? now im not saying crypto would be the end all be all in this situation, i imagine gold and real estate being popular choices as well, among others.

but the economy and crypto tend flow with one another, so if you get cancer in one ball, do you cut em both out? or just one and hope to christ it doesnt infect the other?

and heck, if both crash, which one would recover faster?

i mean ones not tied to trillions in debt, but idk, im not a wiz or anything, lmao.

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