What are your personal reasons you hate fat people?

For me it's personal. My family tends to be a bit on the heavy side but all of us know it's due to personal choices. E.g my mom is fit, works out daily and looks good for 53 (she looks 40 at most), and dad makes sure his BMI is around average but has an average 5-10 pound dad weight to him, he is also active daily. Growing up I had a ton of seizures so I went from thin to fat (had to take meds from 9-15) but i learned to diet and exercise after it because I noticed my appetite plummeted back to normal (at my most I was 270), I made it a quick deal to get fit and since then, now at 23 I tackled it well enough (At 170 and 6'0 atm, lift 6x a week for years) and have no loose skin oddly enough, doctors say because I was still going through puberty and tackled the issue as my body was finishing up so that's what I saw it as.

The issue though has been my sister... she's older than me by 2-3 years and I feel responsible for her gaining the weight seeing as we grew up together and food was a source of comfort and my appetite was overdrive during the years I had seizures (300+ episodes in 6 years it's a miracle I'm not completely fuked up tbh), so I think I added to her issue, she's currently 350 , full ham beast and it makes me sick the chubby chasers who will pretend to date her for a month or two, lead her on etc and so she legit thinks it's not an issue with her weight no matter how much my family and I try to get her to change, we all try to be inspirations we're ALL fit and exercise regularly and she will just break down and start crying on demand if u prod her about weight, it's so obvious she wants to and has told me before how she feels like she lets our parents down by being so fat etc... This fucking fat acceptance movement and chubby chasers are from what I've seen growing up, the biggest reason why my sister won't lose weight, she's not being socially shamed enough and that'd be the only fucking thing to get her to lose it at this point.

/r/fatpeoplehate Thread