What are your political views?

QAnon.pub has almost every Q post, read it for yourself and form your own opinion; I'm not spoon-feeding information to you as there's a lot to cover & most of it has been censored

I just spend 15 minutes trying to find the archived posts I've come across with a lot of info, but they're buried under a ton of recent shitposts

The fact that Trump refused to condemn Q says a lot in itself; he acts like he doesn't know what Q is to downplay it - he's stated in an interview, when asked about Q & if he (Trump) is "saving the world from Satanic pedophiles," he asks the reporter if she thinks that's a bad thing

The truth is out there man, we all have to come to our truth on our own; if it's forced then it isn't natural

There's also a reason why the MSM bashes Trump & Q so much; they're trying to demoralize and downplay how serious this shit is

/r/teenagers Thread Parent