What are your reservations about a Newport SSS location? Why?

Not the city. There's a reason people say "I'm from Cincinnati" and not "I'm from Newport" when they go 50 miles outside the city- Cincinnati is the big attraction.

1) Tax money not only goes to another city, it goes to another state. 2) Call it FC Newport then- that's fine by me. 3) KY is NOT Cincinnati. Sorry- you can be greater Cincinnatians but you're not Cincinnatians. Some of us choose to live in the 52 and are proud of that. I don't fault anyone living outside of that but it's not Cincinnati- sorry. 4) Arguments about Oakley compared to Newport fall flat- close to bars? Oakley has plenty and the whole idea of a stadium is to invigorate the surroundings so why wouldn't oakley have other bars pop up, etc. around it just the same? 5) A lot of the people (and to be fair- no argument here as I would say it) like NKY because they live there and it's closer to them. No reason to go over there though.

I know I'm in the minority but if you do it, call it FC kentucky. There's a reason people don't want that and that's exactly why I'm against it. I'd rather stay USL and stay in the city limits than see our city's namesake across the river.

/r/FCCincinnati Thread