What are your tf2 confessions?

I'm kind of late to the party and don't know if this is even worth posting, but..

I have never played TF2 competitively.

I started playing videogames when I was 7 years old and I’ve played almost every single day. Started playing TF2 in 2007, when the Orange Box came out. I have almost 4k hours invested in TF2. I've played it every single day until 2014, but then I quit because I got bored of pubs, surf, jump maps and etc. I needed something more competitive (note: I never knew how to get into competitive TF2).

I switched to CSGO because it seemed more competitive than TF2. Started playing mm, improved really fast, got the pristine globe, started playing ESEA, was doing extremely well, and always wanted to improve even more. But most of the people who play CS are extremely toxic, especially at higher level, and since I’m mentally weak it was impossible for me to keep playing it and I stopped.

About a month ago I started playing TF2 again, but it didn't feel the same. Playing pubs all day is just boring for me. I am a really competitive person, but like I mentioned before, I never knew how to get into competitive TF2. I started browsing Reddit recently and found this subreddit, which has informed me that you can join a group called "6v6 Newbie Mixes", but that’s not what I’m looking for. I need higher level. The point is: I’m not a newbie, because I’ve been playing videogames most of my life, and TF2 for a really long time. At this point I’m kind of stuck, because I don’t want to play with new people. I want to play with and against people that are around my level, but it seems like there’s no other option.

Sorry for the wall of text and sorry for my English. It’s not my first language but I live in the US.

If someone has any ideas, I can link my Steam / ESEA profile here. Thank you for reading.

/r/tf2 Thread