What are your thoughts on the stereotype"Women take hours to get ready"?

Ok, just my hair getting washed, dried, and styled vs my husband's hair getting washed and styled is at least a 1 hour difference.

Make up: 15 min for me, 0 min for hubby.

Shaving: he's bearded, so a good trim takes a bit. But not quite as much time as my legs/armpits/etc.

Dressing: his clothes just get thrown on. If I wish to look particularly va-va-voomy there are several shaping undergarments I need to wrestle my way into.

So, I'd say the stereotype mostly holds true - if it's just a day at the fair we can get ready in about the same amount of time. If we have to get ready for a wedding or other formal event? It takes me way longer to get ready.

But he's never been a jerk about it. He usually spends our evening together telling me how good I look - and frankly his attention gets me so high it's worth it.

/r/AskWomen Thread