What are your thoughts on orbs?

Sorry if I’m breaking any rules. If I’m posting in the wrong place please let me know where I may seek advice. Thank you in advance!

I was playing with video apps looking for the perfect vhs filter. I used the flash on this one app and noticed orbs as I was recording. When I played it back I saw there were multiple orbs and looked as if they were coming towards me. I didn’t notice orbs in the other videos I shot with that app or the other apps, though I didn’t use flash in those.

I didn’t think of recording again with flash using another app to see if it showed up again, and I didn’t record again using flash. I don’t know why but it was late and I was tired.

The reason I find this interesting is because I tend to wake up at 3 am frequently. I’m 28 yo and can remember this happening as early as elementary school.

I would love to hear your input on orbs. If you have any pictures or experiences or further reading, please share :)

Thank you for reading

/r/witchcraft Thread Link - v.redd.it