What are your thoughts on your SO having a best friend of the opposite sex?

To be fair I have like 3 or 4 straight guy friends (im a guy) that have best friends that are women.

1 of my friends's best friend is much larger than my friend likes and is also into black dudes, hes white. However, he oftens says he would marry her for her personality because they get along that well, although that is not the case. He likes pretty women and I can attest that his girlfriends are often beautiful and he is also very loyal and was cheated on himself so he would never cheat.

I have 2 other guy friends who have a best friend whos a girl. Straight friend zone. Both have been friends for years and know everything about the other (concerning in a relationship because they tell eachother EVERYTHING including about their relationships with their previous girlfriends when they were happening). This caused a rift in both friends relationships. I have talked to both of them and they both try to slightly deny that they are madly in love but they are. They both say they'd fuck their own "best friend" at any given moment and would love to marry them.

We all talk about this as a group occasionally but they have their own seperate best friends that are girls bc we met in college but they're best friendships have lasted for years each..

I also have a very good friend that is a girl. I would fuck her at the drop of a hat. Shes cool enough to talk to me about anything, do anything with me that I think is fun and shes super hot. Would bang, would date.

So from my experience of my own feelings and my other two out of 3 friends who have girls as one of their best friends, you are correct.

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