what are your thoughts on co — star app?

Funny then, that she admitted to all being true In a lengthy video interview, isn't it, where she was asked directly about the issues. Just google it. I prefer not to give free publicity by posting it here, though I'll provide it in a dm if you ask politely. And I've not listed all the verifiable issues, just a couple.

As for how apps and sites are run (if you are thinking my explanation is untrue), in terms of descriptions provided to us, that's just simple fact for all sites, even respectable ones. Would be nice if it were otherwise, but it's fine, it's just the reality. ALL site or apps (and books) that do reports, or transit descriptions, natal descriptions---it's all cookbook. That's just how it is. The only way to get a truly personal, integrated analysis of a chart is by working with a live astrologer.

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