What are your thoughts on Brittany Joyce Smith case, where she plead guilty to shooting her rapist?

Hours prior, sure, but self-defense is only about what is happening in the moment. If someone mugs you in an alley, you can't go home, grab your gun, find that guy, shoot him, and claim self-defense. In this case, I would 100% agree it was self-defense if she shot him from the point where it was obvious he was about to beat and/or rape her until he got in his car and drove away (or however else he left the scene). The problem is that she shot him long after that situation ended.

Since there are parallels being drawn to the Rittenhouse case... Say Rittenhouse didn't have his firearm on him, and Rosenbaum caught up to him and just massively beat Rittenhouse's face in, then meets back up with his buddies while Rittenhouse is writhing on the ground. Rittenhouse goes to his car, finds Rosenbaum later, and shoots him. Would you think that was self-defense?

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