What are your thought's about first date meal expenses.

I guess it would depend. I'm an independent gal, so I'd be okay with paying for myself. If he paid for dinner then I would pay for the movie an popcorn, for example.

However, I wouldn't do the following -> I met a really attractive guy and we chatted and had a good time. (I was spending time with a friend who lived in the area-ish). He lived in the US and I am Canadian - distance apart = 3 hours and one international border. We had chatted for many days afterwards and made a date to get together. Since my schedule was more flexible, I said I would head back his way. I do not have a car, so I took the train (train to the border, taxi to Amtrack, train to my friend's house). On the day of date, I used my friend's car to go to his city. While we were at dinner he alluded to going dutch. Normally I don't mind, but think, as a reasonable person, how much money and time I had invested (4 trains + 2 border fares + 2 taxi rides). I paid my share for the meal and the movie. He asked me up to his place. I went in to chat for 15 minutes, but my lady boner was dead. Irreversibly gone. I thanked him for the date and left. He walked me to my car. I did not kiss him. I was polite, but I just wanted to get out of there.

I'm sure you'll say that I was being a low-status female by being too accommodating. Perhaps. I do not think I am low statues. I am attractive, fit, good style, great job. He did call several times after the date, and I didn't answer. He left a message that said that he really enjoyed the date. Then he called back to say what he really meant was that I was hot and that he wants to see me again. I did not ever call or see him again.

/r/seduction Thread